Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Compare Field-Level Permissions Between Profiles

If you want to compare field level permissions between two profiles, and you can use something like dbAmp to download your data to a SQL database, you can run a query like the following to compare two profiles.

select P1Perms.SobjectType, P1Perms.Field, P1Perms.PermissionsRead, P2Perms.PermissionsRead, P1Perms.PermissionsEdit, P2Perms.PermissionsEdit from 
(select fp.field, SobjectType, fp.PermissionsEdit, fp.PermissionsRead, from fieldpermissions fp
 join permissionset as ps on = fp.ParentId
 join profile on profile.Id = ps.ProfileId
 where = 'System Administrator (Custom)'
) as P1Perms 
left join (select fp.field, SobjectType, fp.PermissionsEdit, fp.PermissionsRead, from fieldpermissions fp
 join permissionset as ps on = fp.ParentId
 join profile on profile.Id = ps.ProfileId
 where = 'Business Development'
) as P2Perms on P1Perms.Field = P2Perms.Field and P1Perms.SobjectType = P2Perms.SobjectType
  where P1Perms.PermissionsRead <> P2Perms.PermissionsRead or P1Perms.PermissionsEdit <> P2Perms.PermissionsEdit or P2Perms.PermissionsRead is null
order by P1Perms.SobjectType, P1Perms.Field

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