Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Checking for a changed value on a New Record

When using the Process Builder the conditions for a Changed value will not always be met for a new record.   That is to say that when you add a record, even though the fields all have new values, they will not fire an is changed condition.  This means that you also have to trigger the Process Builder on an ISNew criteria.   But at this time, Process Builder does not allow you to check if the record is new without dropping to a formula. 

So instead of doing something like this:

You have to do convert to a formula and do something like this:

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Deleting a Salesforce Case with Tasks attached

When you are trying to delete a Case in Salesforce that has tasks attached, it sometimes will not allow you to delete the Case because the user doesn't have delete permissions on the task. When Salesforce deletes the Case, it attempts to delete all of the Tasks, it does not just disconnect the Tasks and leave them.

Currently (Winter 18 Release), there is no 'Task' permission that will fix this. The solution is that the user must take ownership of the Case. Once the user has ownership of the case they can delete the case and all of its tasks with it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Compare Field-Level Permissions Between Profiles

If you want to compare field level permissions between two profiles, and you can use something like dbAmp to download your data to a SQL database, you can run a query like the following to compare two profiles.

select P1Perms.SobjectType, P1Perms.Field, P1Perms.PermissionsRead, P2Perms.PermissionsRead, P1Perms.PermissionsEdit, P2Perms.PermissionsEdit from 
(select fp.field, SobjectType, fp.PermissionsEdit, fp.PermissionsRead, from fieldpermissions fp
 join permissionset as ps on = fp.ParentId
 join profile on profile.Id = ps.ProfileId
 where = 'System Administrator (Custom)'
) as P1Perms 
left join (select fp.field, SobjectType, fp.PermissionsEdit, fp.PermissionsRead, from fieldpermissions fp
 join permissionset as ps on = fp.ParentId
 join profile on profile.Id = ps.ProfileId
 where = 'Business Development'
) as P2Perms on P1Perms.Field = P2Perms.Field and P1Perms.SobjectType = P2Perms.SobjectType
  where P1Perms.PermissionsRead <> P2Perms.PermissionsRead or P1Perms.PermissionsEdit <> P2Perms.PermissionsEdit or P2Perms.PermissionsRead is null
order by P1Perms.SobjectType, P1Perms.Field

Thursday, December 21, 2017

"The flow failed to access the value for" Error

The following error occurs in a Salesforce flow when you try to check a field on an object that is null.  For example, when you check a field on an Account record related to an Opportunity, but that Opportunity doesn't have an Account assigned.   The error will look somethng like this:
The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.Producing_Broker__r.MAP_Services_Not_Allowed_to_Contact__c because it hasn't been set or assigned.

To resolve this in Process Builder, you will need to check to see if the related object is present first.  In the example above, Producing_Broker__r must be checked first before trying to access Producing_Broker__r.MAP_Services_Not_Allowed_to_Contact__c field.     That looks something like this: 

In this case, the first block checks to see if Producing_Broker__c is null.  If it is null, then the Process Builder exits.  If it has a value, it goes to the next block where it can successfully evaluate Producing_Broker__r.MAP_Services_Not_Allowed_to_Contact__c. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Looking up values in Validation Rules

The VLookup function provides the ability to lookup values from other objects.  Note that it ONLY works on Custom Objects.  The format is: VLookup(field_to_return, field_on_lookup_object, lookup_value).

So if you need need to lookup an item from a custom table with an Id of 00Xj000000NK03j, and return the name, the formula would look something like this:  

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Viewing the ValidationExceptions Collection

Occassionally, .NET apps that are using EntityFramework will throw the following error

System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException: Validation failed for one or more entities. See 'EntityValidationErrors' property for more details.
The easiest way to see what these exceptions is to add the following to the Watch window:

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Creating an SSL Certificate for Azure App Services

  1. Generate the CSR (Certificate Signing Request).  An easy way to do that is
  2. Take the output of this page and run it in a Bash shell, or some place that you have access to the OpenSSL library.  This will create a csr file and a key file. 
  3. Buy the certificate.   These guys have good prices:
  4. As part of the checkout, it will ask you to type in the text of the CSR file generated by OpenSSL in Step 2 above. 
  5. Not sure what to select when asked for Apache vs Windows.  But selected Windows, and I got a .cer file.  Support had to send me a .crt file instead. 
  6. After verifying who you are, then will send you a .crt file. 
  7. Use OpenSSL again to convert the .crt file and the .key file to a pfk
    openssl pkcs12 -export -out myserver.pfx -inkey myserver.key -in myserver.crt
  8. Upload the resulting .pfx file to the server.


Some of this is taken from: